About Me

I am currently a postdoctoral scholar from Department of Statistics, Stanford University, advised by Prof. Wing Hung Wong. My general research interest lies in the multi-disciplinary area where I have been committed to developing practical statistical and machine learning tools with significance in both statistical theory and applications. In particular, I have been pursuing this research agenda by exploiting the advances in generative artificial intelligence (AI) to tackle several fundamental statistical problems, such as density estimation, causal inference, and unsupervised learning with also broad applications in computational biology.

Recent News

  • 2021.02 - Our study on single cell analysis with deep generative models was accepted to Nature Machine Intelligence.
  • 2020.09 - Our study on molecule optimization with reinforcement learning was accepted to NeurIPS 2020.
  • 2020.06 - Our study on drug sensitivity prediction with graph neural network was accepted to ECCB 2020.
  • 2020.06 - Our study on gene mutation prediction using histopathological images was accepted to MICCAI 2020.
  • 2019.09 - I will visit the Department of Statistics, Stanford University as a joint Ph.D. student advised by Wing Hung Wong.
  • 2019.07 - I will give a invited talk at Basel, Switzerland for ISMB 2019.
  • 2019.05 - I win the travel fellowship provided by International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB).

Academic Appointment

June. 2021 - Present
Department of Statistics, Stanford University, CA, USA
Postdoctoral Scholar


Sep. 2019 - June. 2021
Department of Statistics, Stanford University, CA, USA
Joint Ph.D. student
Aug. 2016 - Sep. 2019
Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Ph.D. student
Aug. 2015 - Jan. 2016
Department of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden
Exchange Student
Aug. 2012 - Jul. 2016
ShenYuan Honors College, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Bachelor of Engineering

Selected Publications

- Generative AI in Statistics -
CausalEGM: a general causal inference framework by encoding generative modeling
Qiao Liu, Zhongren Chen, Wing Hung Wong
Desity estimation with deep generative neural networks
Qiao Liu, Jiaze Xu, Rui Jiang, Wing Hung Wong
PNAS, 2021 [Paper][Code]
- Generative AI in Computational Biology -
EpiGePT: a pretrained Transformer model for epigenomics
Zijing Gao*, Qiao Liu* (also co-corresponding), Wanwen Zeng, Wing Hung Wong, Rui Jiang
bioRxiv, 2023 [Preprint]
Simultaneous deep generative modeling and clustering of single-cell genomic data
Qiao Liu, Shengquan Chen, Rui Jiang, Wing Hung Wong
Nature Machine Intelligence, 2021 [Paper][PDF][Code]
Deep generative modeling and clustering of single cell Hi-C data
Qiao Liu, Wanwen Zeng, Wei Zhang, Sicheng Wang, Hongyang Chen, Rui Jiang, Mu Zhou, Shaoting Zhang
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022 [Paper]
hicGAN infers super resolution Hi-C data with generative adversarial networks
Qiao Liu, Hairong Lv, Rui Jiang
ISMB/Bioinformatics, 2019 [Paper][ISMB talk slides][Code]
- AI-assisted Drug Discovery -
Cancer drug response prediction via a hybrid graph convolutional network
Qiao Liu, Zhiqiang Hu, Rui Jiang and Mu Zhou
ECCB/Bioinformatics, 2020 [Paper][ECCB talk slides][Code]
DeepDrug: A general graph-based deep learning framework for drug-drug interactions and drug-target interactions prediction
Qijin Yin, Rui Fan, Xusheng Cao Qiao Liu#, Rui Jiang# and Wanwen Zeng#
Quantitative Biology, 2023 [Paper][Code]
- Miscellaneous -
HiChIPdb: a comprehensive database of HiChIP regulatory interactions
Wanwen Zeng*,Qiao Liu*, Qijin Yin*, Rui Jiang, Wing Hung Wong
Nucleic Acids Research, 2022 [Database Link][Paper]
Incorporating gene expression in genome-wide prediction of chromatin accessibility via deep learning
Qiao Liu, Wing Hung Wong, Rui Jiang
Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2020 [Paper][Code]
Chromatin accessibility prediction via a hybrid deep convolutional neural network
Qiao Liu, Xia Fei, Qijin Yin and Rui Jiang
Bioinformatics, 2017 [Paper][PDF][Code]